The Omaha Science Media Project represents the efforts of more than a hundred people across eight organizations. Working together, these individuals explored innovations in teaching and learning science that challenged and contributed to Omaha’s learning community. This program owes tremendous gratitude to Katie Weitz White and the Sherwood Foundation for their vision, support, and enthusiasm. The Sherwood Foundation’s work has been critical to inspiring students, energizing teachers, and building strong programs for all. We also thank the Omaha Schools Foundation for its guidance and support. The project’s principal investigator is Judy Diamond, Ph.D., Professor and Curator of Informal Science Education at the University of Nebraska State Museum. The project’s codirector is Dan Gilbert, who served as Omaha Public Schools Coordinator and principal liaison between the management team and Omaha Public Schools.
Foreword by John Mackiel and Chris Schaben
Science Media Immersion in Virology Research
Science Media Implementation in the Classroom
Science Media Teacher Innovations
Science Media Outcomes: Capacity Building
Science Media Global Perspective
Evaluation and Learning Research on Science Media
The OSMP won Silver ADDY Award for interactive website.
Exploring Science Through Media: The Omaha Science Media Project 2009-2010